

At Almesan Alüminyum,
environmental management is evaluated by the top management with a risk and opportunity-oriented approach and risk management outputs. Almesan carries out this process throughout the strategies determined in accordance with the relevant legislations, taking into account its sustainability priorities.​​

As Almesan Alüminyum, we aim to evaluate our environmental impacts and risks and ensure sustainable resource use by applying environmental management system requirements in all our activities, together with the basic principle of “performing all activities by priorly considering the environmental protectionandenvironmental-oriented sustainabilityapproach.​​

Almesan Alüminyum has a commitment:​​

  • To fulfill all legal and other requirements in terms of environment,
  • To reduce resource consumption by using energy properly and efficiently.
  • To support recycling by reducing waste generation,
  • To take precautions to reduce environmental pollution at source,
  • To ensure continuous improvement of environmental performance,
  • To ensure the engagementt of all our stakeholders by informing all our employees, guests, suppliers and the public.​​

While setting environmental goals and objectives, the following criteria are considered: Significant environmental aspects, legal regulations, environmental operating costs, difficulties in recycling and waste management, awareness of possible environmental impact, clear risk determination of environmental impact.​​

The main areas of work of environmental management are climate change, water efficiency, reduction of waste, greenhouse gas emissions and all other environmental impacts, increasing environmental awareness among employees and society, protection and development of natural life.

Almesan Alüminyum determines the life cycle approach of environmental aspects that can be controlled, affected and related to its activities, products and services by the scope of the environmental management process defined. In the management of these issues, internal and international standards are followed. In this way, all activities are implemented through processes in accordance with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard. While evaluating the management of environmental issues in a wide scope, our priority is to keep compliance with the relevant legal regulations and legislation.​​

A working group has been organized, in which the environmental effects of the processes are determined from a life-cycle perspective, and started its work. In the way of the Sustainable Development Goals, efforts are continued to manage the environmental impacts arising from operations with a holistic approach within the scope of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).​​

Almesan Alüminyum closely follows the national and international agenda on climate change. In this context, Working groups, meetings, seminars and studies to climate change organized by relevant institutions, non-governmental organizations in the country and abroad, especially the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change of Rep. of Türkiye are followed.​​

In this context, the effects of current and future activities are defined and environmental aspects are evaluated on a process basis in Environmental Aspect Control Charts. Almesan Alüminyum has defined the necessary methods to determine the environmental impacts that it affects and can be kept under control as a result of its activities, and to prevent, mitigate or prevent its reoccurrence of its effects on the environment. Environmental dimensions are reviewed in case of changing activities and conditions, and environmental dimensions are redefined when necessary.